Bibliography Maker

Bibliography Maker

This page provides instructions on using a bibliography tool linked on the sidebar.  There are more tools identified on the bottom of the Research Tools page.




You need three applications open for this project:


Getting Ready....

  1. Leave this web page open for reference.
  2. From the desktop, open Microsoft Word.
  3. Put your name at the top and save the file under your teacher's folder in the State Reports folder.
  4. Press Enter twice to skip a line.
  5. Enter a title, center it and bold it.  Title: Bibliography  or Resources.
  6. Press Enter twice to skip a line.
  7. Save your file.
  8. Minimize Microsoft Word.


Entering your resources...

  1. From this page, find the "Bibliography" icon in the sidebar.
  2. Proceed to enter your information.
  3. Copy the output and paste it into your Microsoft Word document.  (If the "Copy" button doesn't work, then highlight your text and paste it into Microsoft Word.
  4. Close the "Works Cited" window.
  5. Reset the "form" by selecting "Source Type" from the left box.  Everything should go blank again.


Recommendations for Entering Information
  1. Have your bibliography notes ready.
  2. If your resource is a website, open it as well.
  3. Choose your "Source" from the list.
  4. Look for Authors at the bottom of the web page.  Not there? Check the Home, About Us or even Contact Us pages.
  5. See the picture to see what the "Title" and the "Name" are for the website.
  6. Page dates are often at the bottom of the page (or at the bottom of the websites "Home" page.
  7. The web address is the URL, copy it from the web address box and paste it into the box.  Don't try to type it in.
  8. Google is not a website; it is a search engine.  It is like saying the source is the library rather than the book in the library.