
MrsFranklin -4th Grade

Page history last edited by kfranklin@... 14 years, 6 months ago



Current Assignment- May 20

1.  Finish your Photo Story 3

2.  Begin County Research- the etymology of each county's name.  You will use the following info:


  • Use your packet and the two following links. 
  • Open this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_counties_in_California
  • Finish filling in the handout of etymology of counties
  • Then use your paper county outline map and this map: http://geology.com/state-map/california.shtml  
  • Use the notes you took on the counties in the Capitol building.
  • Pick a region to focus on, and take notes about any connections you see between where the counties got their names and if they relate to the region they are in 
  • Don't forget to use the information you collected at the Capitol building.
  • If you have time, start a word document titled:  Name - CA County paragraph
  • left, name, number, date, enter, enter, center
  •  begin writing a paragraph about the counties that are in a certain region of CA.  Topic sentence:  The ________region has (#)  counties. 





  May 6, 2010


1. Type to Learn for 10 minutes

2.  Add to Photo Story 3 album. 

     Write about different photos. 

     Proofread for spelling and mechanics.

     Add transition and music features.


Your album will be presented to the class on Friday and scored according to organization ( it has a clear beginning, middle, and end) creativity, and correct spelling and mechanics.

Photo Story 3 Rubric


Scores: 3= meets standard, 2= approaching standard, 1= below standard


___Photo story appears to have some organization, not just photos in a random order

___Intentional transitions have been used at least 3 times.

___Music accompanies the presentation.

___All written text is correctly spelled and punctuated.

___Presentation was finished on time.



April 26, 2010

1.  Type to Learn for 10 minutes

2.  Use the following websites to research information and fill in your grid about the four regions in California:








Facts Frenzy Video + Exercises - How to do research


April 15, 2010  Assignment


1.  Type to Learn for 15 minutes

2.  Watch the BrainPop movie about crystals.  Do the review quiz before you take the graded quiz.  Make sure you write in your name when prompted.

2.  Use the following link to learn more about ways to use water wisely.  You can play th game only after you have read the information.













http://www.gc.maricopa.edu/earthsci/imagearchive/rocks1.htm - rock identification powerpoint

http://phet.colorado.edu/simulations/index.php?cat=Elementary_School&st=-1 -science simulations

Table of Contents

Assignment 3/25/10

1.  Type to Learn 15 minutes

2.  Extension activity on pie graph- Ms. Mason will lead the lesson.




Assignment 2/24/10


1. Type and finish "The Mysterious Door" story.  Don't forget to inlcude the corrections.  This will be your final copy, so it should not have any spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.  Insert an appropriate graphic when you are finished with the whole story. Don't print out until it is checked by Mrs. Franklin,and make sure you save in the "Mysterious Door" folder in the Franklin file.

2. EnVision Math- log on and explore the math games that have been assigned to you.



Assignment 1/21/10

1.  15 minutes of Type to Learn

2.  Star Reading Test

3.  Star Math Test

4.  EnVision Lesson 8-2

5.  AM Exercise- do and keyboard correct.




Assignment 1/14/10



1. Type to Learn for 20 minutes


2. Go to BrainPop and watch the video about circuits. You can practice the quiz questions before you take the graded quiz.  Take the graded quiz when you are ready.  Be sure to type your name in when the program gives you the opportunity so that your paper prints out with your name on it.  Give the quiz to Mrs. Franklin.


3. Go to these sites and explore more with constructing circuits.  Go to full screen and follow the directions.  Take the quizzes.  Control P will allow you to print out your scores.  You have to write your own name on these papers.  Give this quizzes to Mrs.Frankin too.








Assignment 1/7/10


1.  Type to Learn for 20 minutes

2.  Explore these websites about  circuits,insulators, conductors, circuit diagrams and more-




Comments (1)

kfranklin@... said

at 12:58 pm on Dec 16, 2009

Be sure to read directions and information with active attention. These websites are intended to support your understanding of our studies in science. They are not just games, and you are expected to explore them with the appropriate academic attention. (although they're also fun.)

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