
Home Login Information

Page history last edited by Ginny Mason 14 years, 6 months ago

We use secure pages for a number of activities at Grant.  These include:


  • Login Patterns Page - This page is designed to help students remember their logins.  We now use a password manager for shared passwords (passwords with only a single login for all students) and "prefill" some fields for some of the applications.  Students must still enter their own part of the login.   Please do not share specific student logins, shared logins or logins to this website with others.
  • Classroom News - Classroom News pages may be open for viewing by all (other classrooms or even the public) or closed to anyone without a specific login.  Generally, these pages are closed because they contain photos or mentions about specific students.
  • Student Work - Information, projects and photos posed on student work pages are for specific assignments or for sharing classroom/field trip or other school related photos, student projects or information.  Access to these pages is limited to classroom members and their families.  If you are given a username/password to view this information, do not share it outside of your family.


Access Rules

For This Website and Tools Linked From This Website


  • Access is granted to Grant students and families only during the school year.
  • Access during summer months is provided to Summer Program applications only.  These vary from year to year.
  • Access is provided only to Grant students and their families for the use of the application from home if the application/tool subscription allows non-school access.  (Some tools block access; other tools are on the honor code; please note the comments below the picture for specific guidelines.)
  • Access to photo pages and student work is generally only available to the specific classroom.
  • Login information may not be shared with students in other Grant classrooms or outside the Grant school community. (In otherwords, do not give this site's login to families in other classes or at other schools.)
  • Photos, videos and student work of any kind may not be downloaded without permission from the classroom teacher.
  • Student work is copyrighted by the student and is posted for sharing and assignments.  You may download your student's work only after checking with the classroom teacher.
  • You may not download other students' work at any time.
  • You may not post any of your child's work that contains pictures or work of other students to the internet without permission from the other child(ren)s families.
  • Grant school may remove/disable access at any time. 


These rules are for the protection of all Grant students and their families



NOTE:  You agree to abide by these rules whenever you use the classroom home login provided by your child's teacher for this website.


Logins are provided each year by classroom teachers.  At this time, we are not registering parents as PBWorks users; this may change in the future with changes in PBWorks feature set.

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