Grant Computer Instructions
Table of Contents
Computer Lab
Starting Lab Computers
- Turn on computers using the power button
- Login using the machine name (label on monitor and PC) exactly as you see it.
- Check to make sure you can see the network drives (K:\ (apps), S:\ (shared))
- Check to make sure the printer is set to the Lab printer (Start-->Printers and Faxes). Default printer has a black checkmark.
Shutting Down Computers
- Shutdown all student lab computers nightly (Start--Turn Off Computers-->Shutdown) (Check to make sure it says Shutdown in the drop down box. Sometimes it says "Restart").
- Turn off Monitor (Small button at right or right most button on bottom side.)
- On Friday, turn off Printer, Lab Administration PC and LCD Monitor.
Using LCD
- The LCD must be plugged in and "on" using switch in order to see Lab 29's monitor.)
- Press "View" on LCD to display on screen.
Online Manuals for Dell Optiplex 170L
Classroom Equipment
Thin Clients
Starting Up Thin Clients
- Turn on thin clients using the power button
- Login using the machine name (label on monitor and PC) exactly as you see it.
- Check to make sure the printer is set to your classroom printer (Start-->Printers and Faxes). Default printer has a black checkmark.
Shutting Down Thin Clients
Student PCs
Are now configured to behave more like thin clients. Additionally, they also will run a scanner.
Starting Up Student PCs
- Turn on thin clients using the power button
- Login using the machine name (label on monitor and PC) exactly as you see it.
- Click the "Login" button and login using the machine name
- Click on "Scanner" if you need to start the Accelerated Math Scanner and login appropriately.
- Check to make sure the printer is set to your classroom printer (Start-->Printers and Faxes). Default printer has a black checkmark.
Shutting Down Student PCs
Teacher PCs
Are configured more closely to the lab computers. The major difference is mapping another network T:\ for teacher only files under teachers' login. For this reason, students should not use a teacher's login on the computer. Instead, they should use "remote desktop" or logout and login under the student ID.
Starting Up Teacher PCs
- Turn on thin clients using the power button
- Login using the machine name (label on monitor and PC) exactly as you see it.
- Check to make sure the printer is set to your classroom printer (Start-->Printers and Faxes). Default printer has a black checkmark.
Shutting Down Thin Clients
Classroom Printers
- Turn off classroom printers nightly.
Computer Cart (Mobile1)
- Check out schedule or with lab coordinator
- Plug in Cart in front of room (Extension cord located in cupboard.)
- Turn on PC, Sound and Speakers
- Login using "Mobile1" username
- Network should be automatic - check lower right screen for connectivity
- Shutdown PC when finished (Start-->Turn Off Computer-->Shutdown)
- Turn off Sound and Speakers
- Unplug and wind up power cord.
Working With Applications
File Saving
To save files at Grant:
- Double Click on the "Save" icon.
- Find the "Shared" drive or S:\ drive.
- Double-click on your teacher's folder.
- Name your file with your name and the assignment.
All systems are configured to print to the closest printer. For classrooms, it is the classroom printer. For the lab, it is the lab printers. Other printers are configured on the machines so if printer doesn't work, you can print to another printer.
NOTE: There are a few applications that only print to the "default" printer. That means you must set the printer before using the application (Renaissance Place, TuxPaint).
- Check your default printer: (Start-->Printers and Faxes). Default printer has a black checkmark.
- To change your printers,
Saving a Template from this Website
To Use a Template!
- Right Click your mouse
- Choose "Save Target As..."
- Navigate to your teacher's folder on the "Shared" (S:) drive
- Edit the filename to include your name at the end of the template file name.
Capture a Screenshot from Any Application
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